I am still young, is life insurance important to me ?


This is a true story. A true story about the importance of a life insurance for us and our families. This incident happened a few days ago. I always buy my necessities of life in a shop. The employees at the store are all young people. They are all under 30 years old. Yes, they are still very young. We love shopping there. They are friendly in serving customers.

Last week they informed customers that their store would be temporarily closed. They will be holding a vacation out of town for a few days. Yes, of course customers immediately rushed to buy necessities of life in their store for several days at a time. 

Death that comes suddenly

After a week had passed, there was no word from the workers when the shop would reopen. Suddenly we got bad news. One of the store employees had an accident. And he died in that accident. Of course this news makes us sad. He was still young, it seemed that it was unacceptable for him to die at such a young age. And what's even sadder is that he has a wife who is pregnant. His wife is three months pregnant. It turned out that he was a newlywed couple who were about to become a father in a few months. But we can't do anything if fate like death comes earlier. I wish he had provided the insurance policy from the life insurance policy company. If he already has an insurance policy, the money from the insurance company is not for him, but for his wife and a child who will soon be born into this world.

The importance of a life insurance for all ages

From that incident, we can see that fate in the form of death or illness will come to all of us. Regardless of whether someone is young or old. Does that person have money or no money. Destiny will come when the time comes. And we can only face it. The problem is what preparations have we made to face our destiny? While we can still work, we can set aside some of our money to buy a life insurance program. When fate comes, we can no longer give money to our partners. But from life insurance money, our spouses and our children will still be able to continue their lives, without us being among them.

The story of a father who has prepared life insurance for his beloved family


One of my friends had an interesting experience about a father who prepared life insurance for his beloved family. At that time my friend was visiting a place for a business purpose. And because he was hungry, then he looked for a place to have lunch. Then he bought a plate of salad. After finishing eating he had a casual discussion with the salad seller. Then he told the salad seller about the importance of having life insurance for the breadwinner in the family.

Then after my friend told him about the importance of life insurance, the salad seller decided to take part in the life insurance program. My best friend immediately helped the process of making life insurance for the salad seller. A few days later my best friend contacted the salad seller and told him that his application for life insurance had been approved. And the life insurance policy book will be delivered to him soon. 

At the time my best friend gave the life insurance policy book to the seller. He said not to let his wife know about this. Because surely his wife will be angry because they are considered wasting money on something that is not necessary. Then my best friend promised to keep the secret.

When death comes

Several years later my best friend went to the place where the seller used to sell. For some business dealings. After the business was finished, my best friend decided to visit the place where the seller was selling. But he could not find the seller. Then he asked some of the sellers who were selling there. From the information they got, they said that the salad seller had died last year. My friend was shocked sadly and then asked for the address of the salad seller's house.

Then my best friend came to the salad seller's house. The house looks empty. When my friend knocked on the door of the house. He heard a soft female voice from inside the house. Then slowly the door opened. A woman welcomes my friend. And it turns out that the woman is the wife of the salad seller. The woman's face was full of fear. Also seen behind the woman are several small children.

An insurance agent is an angel without wings

Then my friend introduced himself and explained his purpose in coming to the woman's house. My friend explained that he was an insurance agent. And the woman's husband has a life insurance policy through my friend. My friend explained that he would help with the process of disbursing life insurance money to be handed over to the woman. Suddenly the woman cried and asked whether this was true or not. My friend explained that it was indeed true. The woman's husband used to say that he would not tell his wife because he would be angry. Then the woman thanked my best friend. And apologized to my friend why the house door was tightly closed and didn't immediately open the door when my friend knocked on his door. This is because the woman is afraid of the arrival of people who will collect debts from her. Because the woman does not have money to pay for their lives and their children's schooling since her husband died.

Life insurance benefits for families

After my best friend helped with the process of claiming the salad seller's life insurance. He told the food seller's wife that the life insurance claim had been approved and my friend asked the woman to come to the insurance office to sign a letter regarding the handover of the life insurance funds. The woman told my friend that she would use the funds provided by the insurance company to pay off debts. And the rest is to pay for living expenses, pay for her children's schooling and open a small shop.

The everlasting friendship of an insurance agent

Year after year has passed. Suddenly my friend was contacted by the food seller's wife. The lady called my friend and said thank you for my friend's help. Now the woman has a small shop, and her children can go back to school. And invited my friend to come to her house for dinner. Thus, sometimes the relationship between an insurance agent and a customer will not only be a business relationship. But it can be a brotherly relationship.

Critical illness insurance, is it necessary?


Times are growing and changing. It turns out that the way people work has also changed. Some people work in the field, and there are also those who work in offices sitting in front of a computer all day long. The many tasks that must be done sometimes make them forget to have lunch or forget to take a break.

It is feared that the things I have mentioned above will affect their health. High stress levels, changes in diet, changes in rest patterns and lifestyle changes. if it is not balanced with a healthy lifestyle it will have an impact on their health condition. No wonder now that we meet many people who are still relatively young but are already suffering from critical illness. For example, heart disease, diabetes, cancer. Then what should be done if the risk of critical illness as I mentioned earlier happens to them? One thing they will definitely do is they will pay for treatment. Then the question is whether they have prepared enough money for treatment? Then how to deal with if we do not have money for treatment? Is there a way to work around this?

The right time to join the critical illness insurance program

The answer is yes there is. By following the critical illness insurance program. Prepare critical illness insurance early. While the body is still healthy and while there is still money to set aside for a critical illness insurance program. The earlier we join the critical illness insurance program, the easier it will be for us to be accepted to make critical illness insurance. And if we delay joining the critical illness insurance program, for example, if we join the critical illness insurance program when we are over 50 years old. Then usually there will be a medical examination requested by the insurance company. And the probability of being accepted is small. Because usually at that age there are many people and are at risk of getting a critical illness.

Joining a critical illness insurance program does not mean you will definitely get a critical illness. But this is our effort to prevent us from financial losses due to critical illness. Having a healthy lifestyle is a must. But it's even better if we complete our endeavor by joining a critical illness insurance program. Because healthy is expensive.

Is it difficult to claim insurance?


As we know, insurance is very useful for us and our families. That is to reduce financial losses due to events from life risks, for example critical illness or death. When a disaster occurs, such as a critical illness or a family member dies, it will indirectly affect the family's finances. For example, if a main breadwinner suffers from critical illness, the family must spend some money for treatment. Or if a main breadwinner dies, then there will be no more money to support the family. But it can be minimized through insurance compensation money. Compensation money from insurance can be used to pay for the family's living expenses if the main breadwinner is critically ill or dies. Then what is the process of getting insurance money so that it can be accepted by the family? Is the process easy?

Actually, the insurance claim process is very easy. As long as the required documents are complete and approved by the insurance company, the compensation money from the insurance will be paid and will be immediately handed over to the family. Some of the documents that must be prepared to be sent to the insurance company are as follows:

  1. Proof of hospitalization transactions from the hospital

  2. Claim form for hospitalization from the insurance company

  3. Critical illness claim form if needed

  4. Death claim form if needed

  5. Identity card

  6. Death certificate from the government where we live

If the above documents are complete, we can immediately send them to the insurance company. Then the insurance company will verify the documents we have sent. If approved, the insurance company will immediately send the insurance compensation money directly to the bank account of the family designated as the person in charge.

That's an explanation of the insurance claim process. If this article is useful, you can share it with your friends.