Is it difficult to claim insurance?

As we know, insurance is very useful for us and our families. That is to reduce financial losses due to events from life risks, for example critical illness or death. When a disaster occurs, such as a critical illness or a family member dies, it will indirectly affect the family's finances. For example, if a main breadwinner suffers from critical illness, the family must spend some money for treatment. Or if a main breadwinner dies, then there will be no more money to support the family. But it can be minimized through insurance compensation money. Compensation money from insurance can be used to pay for the family's living expenses if the main breadwinner is critically ill or dies. Then what is the process of getting insurance money so that it can be accepted by the family? Is the process easy?

Actually, the insurance claim process is very easy. As long as the required documents are complete and approved by the insurance company, the compensation money from the insurance will be paid and will be immediately handed over to the family. Some of the documents that must be prepared to be sent to the insurance company are as follows:

  1. Proof of hospitalization transactions from the hospital

  2. Claim form for hospitalization from the insurance company

  3. Critical illness claim form if needed

  4. Death claim form if needed

  5. Identity card

  6. Death certificate from the government where we live

If the above documents are complete, we can immediately send them to the insurance company. Then the insurance company will verify the documents we have sent. If approved, the insurance company will immediately send the insurance compensation money directly to the bank account of the family designated as the person in charge.

That's an explanation of the insurance claim process. If this article is useful, you can share it with your friends.