I am still young, is life insurance important to me ?


This is a true story. A true story about the importance of a life insurance for us and our families. This incident happened a few days ago. I always buy my necessities of life in a shop. The employees at the store are all young people. They are all under 30 years old. Yes, they are still very young. We love shopping there. They are friendly in serving customers.

Last week they informed customers that their store would be temporarily closed. They will be holding a vacation out of town for a few days. Yes, of course customers immediately rushed to buy necessities of life in their store for several days at a time. 

Death that comes suddenly

After a week had passed, there was no word from the workers when the shop would reopen. Suddenly we got bad news. One of the store employees had an accident. And he died in that accident. Of course this news makes us sad. He was still young, it seemed that it was unacceptable for him to die at such a young age. And what's even sadder is that he has a wife who is pregnant. His wife is three months pregnant. It turned out that he was a newlywed couple who were about to become a father in a few months. But we can't do anything if fate like death comes earlier. I wish he had provided the insurance policy from the life insurance policy company. If he already has an insurance policy, the money from the insurance company is not for him, but for his wife and a child who will soon be born into this world.

The importance of a life insurance for all ages

From that incident, we can see that fate in the form of death or illness will come to all of us. Regardless of whether someone is young or old. Does that person have money or no money. Destiny will come when the time comes. And we can only face it. The problem is what preparations have we made to face our destiny? While we can still work, we can set aside some of our money to buy a life insurance program. When fate comes, we can no longer give money to our partners. But from life insurance money, our spouses and our children will still be able to continue their lives, without us being among them.